Edinburgh, Meadowbank Retail Park

- 150,000 sq ft retail park comprising 10 retail units and 559 car parking spaces
- The park is anchored by a 50,000 sq ft Sainsbury’s and large stores for Lidl and Home Bargains

Business Plan & Achievements
Home Bargains and Lidl are new occupiers introduced to the park. Following refurbishment works, both opened in 2023 and 2024 respectively.
Planning consent secured and development completed in 2022 for a new 1,800 sq ft drive-thru Costa restaurant.
10 year lease extensions secured with key occupiers Sainsbury’s and Buzz Bingo.
Further asset management initiatives are underway which will continue to enhance tenant mix, including the introduction of The Gym Group towards the end of 2024.
Major roof repair and upgrade completed with 95% cost recovery through the service charge.